Tuesday, July 13, 2010


OK people, I'm typing one-handed here. anyone bothered by typos and the like can come over and take dictation.

Baby boy has a name. For blog purposes, let's call him Nate.

Nate likes to nurse. all the time. It reminds me of Kali's growth spurts, except that it's not just for a few days. It's constant, and sleep is scarce. I don't remember being this exhausted with Kali, probably because most of the time I wasn't.

We have such a lovely community here... people have been bringing us delicious dinners and generally spoiling us rotten. And between our parents, and the babysitter, and Mr. D's two weeks off work... well, I can just hole up in my bed if I want to. Why is it that I'm too stupid to take full advantage?

I wish I had something witty or entertaining to write, but my brain is too fried for that. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a list of posts I'd like to write sometime:

- reflections on doctor friends and elective cesaerian sections
- gems of parenting wisdom, in-law style
- why I love my midwives
- what do you give the parents who have everything?

OK, Nate's eyes are closed now. Nitey nite.


BigP's Heather said...

OH, take advantage of it - go lay down!!

I can't wait to hear those posts - especially the in-laws one. I love a good in-law story.

Tzivia said...

The spoiling is great, isn't it?

Enjoy, and I still owe you a lasagna. Next week; maybe I'll make two on Tisha b'Av & freeze one for you. Not doing anything ELSE, right??? :-)))

Aurelia said...

I'm so glad for you, this is amazing....now when do i get to see that baby? And hug you? :)

Sara M Hillis said...

Hi there! I've been woefully remiss in reading your blog for too many months to count. Congratulations on Nate's emergence into the world, and I really loved the natural childbirth story too. That's neat, even if it was painful. Anyway, I'm suffering from Sara-withdrawal. Gotta update my contact info for you. Email me at sara.melangell@gmail.com if you like, or search me out on Facebook, or whatever. I miss you!!!

The red-headed half of Sara Squared