Sunday, July 22, 2007

Oh, crap...

You know how sometimes you realize that you're out of pills right after the pharmacy has closed for the night? That happens to me all the time. But it's never been my diclectin before. And to be honest, I was supposed to get it today because I forgot to go yesterday. So, you know, two days without my anti-nausea meds. And I thought I was doing well.

I was doing well... up until I declared myself famished, got up to pee, and ended up hurling into the bathroom sink. And sorry to be graphic, but puke doesn't go gentle into that dark drain. No siree bob, I had to shovel it into the toilet. And I was still gagging, natch.

So here we are, fifteen and a half weeks, and as soon as my meds go away I'm puking again. Lucky me.

Can I take this as reassurance from the powers that be that Lumpy really truly is here to stay?


tipsymarie said...

Glad to hear you are feeling bad, although that sounds strange. Everyone says morning sickness is a good sign, hopefully no more in the sink. :)

Aurelia said...


Well, I'm only saying it's good because you've had such good ultrasounds, so it's probably amazing. It just doesn't feel that way at the moment you are upchucking.

Whispering---get the next renewal early silly woman!

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Why couldn't Mr. December scoop puke for you?

N7 said...

Both are terrible feelings (1) When the pharmacy is closed or you forgot to get your meds and (2) Scooping vomit from the sink into the toilet.
Did that too- not pregnancy vomit (not yet blessed with that) but its the knarliest, nastiest, gaggiest thing ever. I feel for you.

Erin said...

December- I am sorry you are feeling so sick...But so happy Lumpy is here to stay!!! Lots of love you and Lumpy!!!!

Ms. Perky said...

Yuck. If it helps, I'm almost 25 weeks and still puking, too. Actually, that probably DOESN'T help, does it. But that's okay, because you shouldn't go by me. Nothing's normal with triplets.