Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So tired...

I've been very productive over the last week or so. I even started using iCal so that I can watch as my to-do list items get eliminated... four or five in a day.

The downside is that I haven't been napping. I've been feeling fine and energetic, but suddenly I feel run down. Tomorrow will be a day off for me. Oh, I'll still do my morning routine... but dinner will be soup from the freezer, I'll have a relaxing lunch with my dad, and after grocery shopping I'll come home for a long, well-deserved nap.

Hey everyone - this is Mr. December. Wifee is in the can so I'm taking over blogging. Are different people reading this thing now that she's not as bitter as before? I don't read the blog but I'm sure there has been a change. I've never thought of it before, but blogging is pretty tough. I pretty much have nothing to say and it's only my first paragraph.

1 comment:

Aurelia said...

Hello Mr. December!

Very funny, now back away slowly from the computer---and no one will get hurt, got it?

Now if you felt like blogging about your fave hobby, that might fill a paragraph? But discussing your break and enter habits doesn't quite do it I think.