Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cease and de-cyst!

Ding-dong, the cyst is dead
Cyst old cyst, the big ol' cyst
Ding-dong, the big old cyst is dead!

After discussion with my doctor, we're going to do Femara and injectables this cycle. I've never done injectables before. Is it like doing a trigger shot, or scarier? Be honest.

Question: how long does it take to get your period after stopping the Pill? I don't want to get my period while I'm on vacation, but if I could time it for my first day back that would be great.


BigP's Heather said...

Well, the mixing needle is HUGE and scary but the actual needle I did the injection with was super thin and short. So, if you get the same stuff - don't let the mixing needle scare you.

I also used the pens and I didn't like them as well. I got pregnant using them but I was always afraid they weren't working because with regular needles you can see the liquid disappear. They were small and thin too.

I'm super excited for you!!!

James and Marin said...

I can only speak from IVF injectables experience, but I found it to be exactly the same as the trigger shot. My drugs may have stung ever so slightly more, but I just pinched my flab a little harder as I injected.

Gil said...

Yay for the dead cyst! As for injectables, some are easier than others of course, but everyone is different. Hoping things go well for you this time around! *hugs*

Chris said...

Injectibles are WAY easier than the trigger shot. I did gonal-f and it was sub-q rather than intermuscular like the trigger. It helps to have a little chub in the area in which you're injecting the meds ("luckily" I didn't have any problems with that), pinch the sikin tightly then eaaasssseeee the needle in as opposed to the dart method they tell you to use. I was all worked up about the first injection but after that it was easy.

Good luck to you!

Eve said...

Woo-hoo for a dead cyst! Most injectibles are sub-Q like triggers. I did Bravelle last cycle, and it was painless. I actually had more pain with my Ovidrel for some reason.

Usually AF starts a few days after your pill. If you don't want it on your vacay, take an extra week from a new pack. No harm in doing that.