Thursday, July 02, 2009

Be careful what you wish for...

Last night I prayed. I asked G-d, please, for a healthy singleton pregnancy.

I've been on puregon 75iu this cycle, and at day 10 I had 11 follicles. The doctors started talking about IVF conversion or just canelling the cycle. Hence the prayer.

Went in for monitoring today... I have a lead follicle at 1.7 and the rest are all 1.1 or smaller. We'll likely only have one egg to inseminate this time around.

I'm not complaining - not getting pregnant this cycle would be infinitely better than getting pregnant with quintuplets and having to reduce. But seriously, one follicle? I did better on the Femara most cycles. Oh, and let's not mention the fact that we were trying to get at least one follicle on each side, but here we are with a follicle on the right. I could be wrong, but I believe I had one on the left ovary when I got pregnant with Kali.

So here we are. I've spent $800 on drugs and my chances don't look any better than when I was just spending $35 on Femara.

What's wrong with this picture?


Aurelia said...

Hmmm, well maybe you'll have another mature overnight? Hoping? Maybe?

Hanging in with you....

Gil said...

Nothing's wrong. You are exactly right! Cause I remember that with Kali, you had only one follicle as well! So you never know...

Sending hugs. Hang in there!

*stacie-ann said...

hey i wish you luck. im 20 years old. when i was 16 my EX-BOYFRIEND of 4 years got this 40 year old woman pregnant. i was devastated. but i went to my GYNO and tried to convince her to start me on rounds of IVF medications and whatever else to get me pregnant. she refused. she insisted that it just "wasn't my time"...and maybe it's just not time again, but have faith and be patient. (i broke up with that guy) but i'm pregnant now..after all those years of thinking i couldn't get pregnant.

not sure if u believe in God but, hang in there..he listens. =] goodluck!!!