Sunday, July 08, 2007

Take back the right...

Today I had brunch with Aurelia and My Reality... awesome fun, especially when we decided it was time to take back our right to have sex for pleasure. Yes, I know what you're thinking - sex for pleasure is a myth, right? But if you remember back to your pre-IF days, it used to be for pleasure every time. We believe that it's possible to retrieve an element of those good old days.

Armed with our mission, we stormed one of the hip, classy sex shops downtown. The saleslady was great - showed us some very cool new toys and gadgets. I was especially impressed with the peppy little vibrator disguised as a lipstick, but I realized that since I never wear lipstick that would sort of be a stretch. But then I saw it... The Cone.

In the end I bought nothing, because the pregnancy hormones have kicked in and made me 100% horny, 95% of the time. And since we're watching lots of Angel these days, I really don't need anything besides a topless David Bor.eanaz to get me going (and can I just say, thank god for the toplessness clause in his contract!). But if Aurelia gives The Cone a good review, I'm going back to get one... because let's face it, Mr. December is only human. I can't expect him to keep up with my libido for the next six months... can I?

So, mosey on over to Aurelia and Kelly's blogs - they promised to post reviews of their new toys ASAP. As for me... going to watch more Angel now.

*happy sigh*


Anonymous said...

I am still waiting to hear about the cone too!

Anonymous said...

sorry i missed the fun!
glad to hear you've rediscovered sex for enjoyment...hmmmmm....

twirl said...

what is this "sex" you are referring to? I am sooo ready to be off pelvic rest!

(also, mmmm... Angel. And french toast. and the idea of a cleaning lady...)

Pamela T. said...

I will say (with much relief) that we are having as much or more fun than before all the IF junk ... and oh it's so nice to be spontaneous and passionate again!