Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day One

Yup, it's the first day of the rest of my fertility journey. Stick with me.


Anonymous said...

okay. okay. well, it sucks that you are not preggo. BUT, you're ovulating so that's good...and you're going to experience the obsessive joys of cycle monitoring...we can compare notes and strategies for getting to the clinic early...i'm on cd3...i have an idea: let's just get pregnant this cycle, kay?
ready? set? GO!

decemberbaby said...

I am so up for getting pregnant together. That would make the wait worthwhile.

Important note - I'm only ovulating because of the Fertilitea you gave me. So thank you.

Anonymous said...

yay fertilitea -- my pleasure!
i'm doing a drug free cycle so maybe we'll ovulate on the same day (no more ovulating on day 7 for me...too wierd!)

Anonymous said...

DB I'm sorry you're not pregnant this round... I'm hoping the extra boost next month will land you a BFP though!

Just an FYI I truly think you should be a writer. You're very good. It flows - its intersting - its cynical (which I love) - its all good.

Lisa (a.k.a. Tricklit/Hopehopehope)

Anonymous said...

DB I'm sorry you're not pregnant this round... I'm hoping the extra boost next month will land you a BFP though!

Just an FYI I truly think you should be a writer. You're very good. It flows - its intersting - its cynical (which I love) - its all good.

Lisa (a.k.a. Tricklit/Hopehopehope)

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double entry (never done this before - thought it would be at the top of the page!!!

ms. c said...

Hopping on the ride for your journey. Let's make this a short one.
(I am so impressed taht you O'd with fertilitea! way to go!)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Inspiring slogan--perhaps a new idea for the wall of the RE's office. I'm sorry about the last cycle.